Information about logging into our online reading program was sent home today. For homework, please log into Raz-Kids using the login information on your homework folder.
If you need help navigating the website, please download the following document for tips and tricks on how to use Raz Kids.
Today we discussed all of the reasons why we love the rain! Ask me: What is your favourite thing about the rain?
If you have not done so already, please visit the following link to set up a meeting time for Parent-Teacher Conferences on Thursday evening and Friday during the day. If you are having any difficulty book an appointment, please call the school or email me directly at
Ms. Toor
If you need help navigating the website, please download the following document for tips and tricks on how to use Raz Kids.
All About Me
Paper Bag Project
In Social Studies, we are beginning the topic "Me and My World." Today we made "All About Me" bags. Please help your student find 4 – 6 small objects from home that represent who they are. These objects should be small enough to fit into this bag. They could be things like small toys, photos, sports awards or certificates from an activity; found objects from nature; or any treasure that tells us about your student.
If your student did not finish the written portion of the project, please encourage and help them to finish that too.
Next Wednesday, students will share the content of their bags with the class. We are working towards learning about identity and understanding of similarities and differences between people. Please send the completed and filled bag back to school as soon as possible.
Thanks, Miss McCune
Today we discussed all of the reasons why we love the rain! Ask me: What is your favourite thing about the rain?
Ms. Toor