Friday, October 11, 2013

Friday October 11th, 2013

There will be no school on Monday October 14th, 2013 due to Thanksgiving. Please talk to your loved ones about things that you are thankful for. 

Picture day will take place on Tuesday October 15th.

Today we painted our leaf imprints using various fall colours. We are letting them dry over the weekend then we will put them on the bulletin board! Here is a sneak peak! We started thinking of poem ideas which we'll work on next week!

If you're looking for ideas for things to do this weekend, try going on Bookflix!Here are the steps

1. Connect to the internet
2. Go to Learn Alberta: 
3. Choose "English" and click on the blue button
4. You will need to enter the username and password: Username: LA06 password: 4105
5. Click on "Online Reference Centre"
6. Godown on the page and click on "BookFlix"
7. Enjoy fiction and non-fiction selections of your choice
8. Visit the puzzlers and other links provided

Have a great long weekend!

Ms. Toor