PIZZA DAY - tomorrow is the last day for pizza day orders! Price is $6 for a slice, snack and drink. Please indicate whether your child would like cheese, pepperoni, hawaiian, or vegetarian.
Water Bottles & Snacks
Today we talked about how important it is to stay hydrated and eat healthy snacks. Please send a water bottle to school with your child that will return on a daily or weekly basis and discuss some of the healthy food choices we came up with as a class.
Breakfast Program
Just a reminder that our free breakfast program begins at 8:10. All students are welcome to join and outdoor morning supervision begins at 8:35. Thank you to TAQA for their continued support with this program.
Today we did another science experiment and this time it worked! Please ask your child what we did!
Water Bottles & Snacks
Today we talked about how important it is to stay hydrated and eat healthy snacks. Please send a water bottle to school with your child that will return on a daily or weekly basis and discuss some of the healthy food choices we came up with as a class.
Breakfast Program
Just a reminder that our free breakfast program begins at 8:10. All students are welcome to join and outdoor morning supervision begins at 8:35. Thank you to TAQA for their continued support with this program.
Today we did another science experiment and this time it worked! Please ask your child what we did!
School Gym is open now open!
-students MUST wear proper footwear in order to participate safely
-if you need to discuss your child’s footwear please call the office at 403-777-6000
School Doors:
-because the construction on the gym is finished we have use of the Mud Room Doors
-starting Monday, October 7th – grade 3,4, 5 and 6 students will enter and exit through the mud room doors
-grade 1 and 2 students will use the same doors
-Kindergarten students will use the front doors
-if adults arrive before the bell at 3:10, they need to report to the office before proceeding down the hallways
Ms. Toor