Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Tuesday November 12, 2013

Important notice sent home for Grade One students: Changes have been made to the reporting of student progress this year. Today you are receiving a "Literacy Checklist" that shares your grade one child's progress from the beginning of the year. Please view this document. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to contact me through email: sktoor@cbe.ab.ca or by phone 403-777-6000

Tomorrow is our field trip to attend a performance by The Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra! Busses will leave promptly at 9:15 so please ensure your child is on time to school. We will be returning back to the school at 11:45 - just in time for lunch! Please review trip expectations with your child as we are representing Vista Heights School. Students are to remain seated and quiet on the bus and are to listen intently to the performance. Students will eat their snacks when we arrive back at school.

Today we had the opportunity to explore the school iPods! If you know of any iPod applications that will assist our students in their learning, please let me know by emailing me at sktoor@cbe.ab.ca 

Room 7 is full of scientists! Today we did an experiment with play dough. We each made our predictions on what would happen if we mixed blue and red playdough together. Once we wrote about our predictions, we completed the experiment! Please ask your child what happened when we mixed the blue and red playdough together; this is called a conclusion. Did anything change?

Thank you,

Ms. Toor