Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Tuesday November 26, 2013

What do animals do in the winter?
The amazing scientists in room 7 had a few questions today. What do animals do in the winter? What do birds do when its cold? Where do the squirrels sleep? What do the animals eat? Please pose these questions to your child. 

Parent-Teacher Interviews and Student-Led Conferences are next week, Thursday, December 5 and Friday, December 6.  Please use the information that came home yesterday to book an interview time online. For more information, visit the Vista Heights School home page.

Special Lunch
Last Day to order a Pita Lunch for  your child is Thursday November 28, 2013. 
Visit  www.healthyhunger.ca to place an order for your child. 

University of Calgary Solar Car Team 
Please view yesterdays blog regarding the solar car team presentation on Thursday. Thank you to those parents who have returned the Media Release and Consent Agreement forms. 

Have any questions? Please feel free to contact me any time through email (sktoor@cbe.ab.ca), telephone (403) 777-6000, or by visiting the school before and after school.

Ms. Toor