Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Tuesday November 5, 2013

Urgent Reminder: Vista Heights is a "Peanut Aware" school. This means that peanut products are allowed even though we have severe allergies in the school as we make sure peanut products are not close to allergic children. Please consider that we have students in our class and our school that are severely allergic to peanuts and nuts in general. While we do our best to ensure that these students do not come in contact with nuts, we all need to do our part as well. Please talk to your children about how we can make this a safe place for all of our students.

We are going on a field trip! November 13th, we have been invited to watch the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra. Please review the documents sent home today and return as soon as possible.

"Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower" - Albert Camus
Photo taken by James
Photo taken by Saad
Photo taken by Henry

Today we discussed the 'ap' word family and students were introduced to 8 vocabulary words. Over the weeks, students will be given a group of words which they're encouraged to use in their work at school and at home.

Please ask your child to use the following words in a sentence. If you feel that your child has already mastered these words, have them write out as many sentences as they can using each of the vocabulary words!

1. that

2. it
3. he
4. was
5. map
6. cap
7. nap
8. tap

We are in the process of wrapping up our Volleyball unit. Ask your child what it looks like to serve, volley and bump the ball. Here are some of the students in action.

Update from School Council

SUTP fundraiser update: we raised $850 which will be used to purchase new APPS for our iPods. Two families received “Toys R Us” gift cards for their incredible efforts to sell the most books.

Purdy’s Fundraiser is currently being held and due back by November 12th 
-delivery in the first week of December
-prizes will be awarded to the top 2 sellers
-funds raised will be used for new gym and music equipment 

- Veteran Food Bank donations are being collected all week. If you can, please help support our veterans by donating non-perishable food items.
- Digital Champion Club will run this Friday for Grade 2 students who have registered.