Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Tuesday, December 10 2013

Quest Theatre

Our students will share their work with their parents/guardians on Friday, December 13th at 1:30 and 6:30. Please check the yellow notice which came home yesterday as it outlines how to receive tickets for the performance. 
Ticket requests must be submit by tomorrow Wednesday, December 11.

School Council - Please join our committed executive on tonight at 6:30PM in the Staff Room. All parents are welcome to attend any and all meetings. This is your opportunity to find out what is happening at the school, have a voice in your child’s education and bring forward any suggestions to help make Vista Heights an exciting and wonderful learning experience for your child. Come and support your council and play an active role in your child’s future. Read minutes posted on our website under School Information – School Council. 

Purdy's Chocolates - orders have arrived - please pick up after the Quest performance on Friday, December 13th as it is an ideal time!

December newsletter - Please visit the following link to view our December newsletter which has important dates and events. The newsletter also contains samples of the work we have been doing at the school http://schools.cbe.ab.ca/b239/publications/newsletters/2013-2014/Dec.pdf