Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Wednesday, December 4 2013

Student Led Conferences
Please note: It is important that your child accompanies you when you come to school as the students will share their work with you. Students will take the lead on sharing examples of their work, discussing next steps and setting goals. This time is separate from the 15 minute time slot you have booked to speak with me. 

It is very important that I have a chance to meet with you and your child regarding their learning thus far. Please visit the following link ( book a time to meet with me this Thursday evening or Friday morning. If you have any problems booking an appointment, please email me and I can help you. Thank you to all of the parents who have already booked a time slot

Please note: There will be no school on Friday December 6, 2013 due to the Parent Teacher Interviews/Student Led Conference during the day

Sadie and the Snowman

Today we read the story Sadie and the Snowman with Mr. Vanderlinden. Please ask your child to retell the significant events of the story. What happened in the beginning? The middle? The end? What was your child's favourite part and why?
To watch the story, click here