Thursday, January 9, 2014

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Home Reading
Some students are coming home with home reading ziploc bags. In this bag are two books at your child's reading level and a record sheet. Please take some time each night to sit and read with your child. On the home reading log, please indicate whether or not your child was able to retell the main events of the story to you. This will help with comprehension. Books will be changed every other day - please ensure they are returned to the school so other students can enjoy them. If you child did not receive books today, please expect them tomorrow or next week. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Please visit the following link to see what level your child should be reading at according to their age/grade. Please note: These are guidelines. Not all students will be reading at exactly these levels. Each child develops their reading skills at varying rates, so please do not stress out about this, but it is for your knowledge.


We would appreciate it if one additional adult female, and one adult male, could join us to help supervise students at the pool during the week of January 20-24th.

In addition, all grade 1 and 1/2 classes will be going to Fish Creek Park for a full day field trip on Wednesday, January 29th.  We are in need of at least 4 volunteers who can join us for indoor activities.
Information will be sent to volunteers ahead of time, to assist us with centre activities etc, so please let us know as soon as possible if you are able to participate.

Please remember that all volunteers require current "Security Clearance" checks.

If you are not sure of your clearance status, please check with Mrs. McKie in the office.
She can also help you start the process of filling out the forms, if you are doing so for the first time.

Thanks - The Grade 1/2 Team

What Makes a Book Amazing?!

Today we discussed all the things that good books have. Here is a list of things we came up with. Can you think of anything else? 

- funny/interesting story
- descriptive/juicy words
- it has rhyming words
- interesting/beautiful illustrations (pictures)
- amusing characters
- fun to read
- books about cool topics
- an amazing beginning, middle and end of the story

Swimming Forms

We are still waiting on a few swimming forms and money. Please return these forms as soon as possible.

Media Release Forms

Some students came home yesterday with Media Release Forms for an event we are having next Thursday. Please check with your child to see if they have this form, and if so please review it and sign if you wish. Thank you