Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Home Reading/Raz Kids
All students have home reading books which are sent home each day - please ensure your child is reading these books or on Raz Kids each night.

Our field trip to Fish Creek Park is on Wednesday, January 29th. 
This field trip is inside the interpretive centre and includes a short walk outside. 
We MUST have at least 4 volunteers for this trip because we have 3 classes going.  
If you are able to volunteer, please let me know as soon as possible.  
If we do not have enough volunteers, we may have to cancel and that would be very disappointing.  

School Council
School Council will be held tonight at 6:30pm. All parents are welcome to join.

- please visit yesterdays blog regarding our schedule for swimming - we are still looking for volunteers for this activity.
- fun lunch orders are due Jan 27