Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Field Trip
Our field trip is tomorrow! We will be leaving at 9am for a day at Fish Creek. We are expected to arrive back around 215. Please ensure your child has a bagged lunch (peanut free) and are dressed appropriately as half of the day will be spent outdoors. We are expected to have light flurries throughout the day so please ensure your child has everything they need to stay warm.

Thank you for reading with your children each night! Feel free to access Raz-Kids, home reading books or a story from your collection.

- Field trip TOMORROW
- Report Cards go home Thursday January 30
- Pizza fun lunch on Thursday January 30 - all students are welcome to stay at school and eat today
- No School on Friday January 31st due to system wide PD day

Ms. Toor