Fancy Friday
Today was fancy friday! We had so much fun wearing our fancy clothing and using our very best manners! Thanks to everyone who participated :)
Good news! Vista Heights has purchased a subscription to Brain Pop! To access, please visit and under the login use vistaheights and the password is brainpop. Students can watch educational videos and games. Older students can visit for more age appropriate videos and information. The login information will remain the same
Good news! Vista Heights has purchased a subscription to Brain Pop! To access, please visit and under the login use vistaheights and the password is brainpop. Students can watch educational videos and games. Older students can visit for more age appropriate videos and information. The login information will remain the same
First home project! 100 Days of School!!
Our class has been counting the days of school looking
forward to the 100th day all year.
Counting to 100, recognizing numbers to 100, counting to 100 by 2's,
5's, and 10's are all things we have worked on. As of today, our 100th day of school will be
on Thursday, February 27th! To make this day both educational and
fun, your help is needed.
Suggested items:
dry pasta noodles buttons feathers marshmallows stickers dry
beans cotton balls Cherrios foam shapes - any inexpensive items
Please consider this a family event and have a great time
finding a fun, creative way to display your objects. Lots of learning can happen while you are
working. Challenge your older children
with questions regarding 100 and challenge your younger children to count a few
objects. Please remember that your child needs to be a very
active participant. Let them show
off and count to 100, count 100 objects, etc.
Sharing the Projects:
On Thursday and Friday, February 27 and 28, we will have each student share his/her family project. They will share the following:
- · How did you arrange you objects/project? (by ones, fives, tens, twenties, twenty fives)
- · Tell us about the project.
- · Who helped you make the project? (mom, dad, little brother, big sister, and me)
Feel free to turn in the projects earlier than the 27th!
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at any time
Below you will find some examples (more can be found online)
Below you will find some examples (more can be found online)