100 Day Project
Thank you to those students who brought in their projects today and yesterday! Everyone had a chance to share their project with the class and they are now on display in our classroom - feel free to come check them out!
Today we did a reflection on our projects. Students were asked the following questions:
1. What was your favourite part of doing this project? Why?
2. What was the hardest part of doing this project? Explain!
Here are the students responses (collected through google documents)
Thank you to those students who brought in their projects today and yesterday! Everyone had a chance to share their project with the class and they are now on display in our classroom - feel free to come check them out!
Today we did a reflection on our projects. Students were asked the following questions:
1. What was your favourite part of doing this project? Why?
2. What was the hardest part of doing this project? Explain!
Here are the students responses (collected through google documents)
Forms were sent home yesterday for Choir Club. It will start on March
6, 2014 till May 22, 2014. It will run every Thursday at lunch, from
12:00-12:45. Students who usually go home for lunch are invited to stay at
school on these days(no cost). If you would like your child to participate please fill
the form and return to school by March 4th, 2014. If you have any questions
please contact Miss. McCune at semccune@cbe.ab.ca
Time is just ticking away.... and
today is last day of February and spring is around the corner. Have a wonderful weekend and don't forget to read!!!
Ms. Toor