Constable Dan
We had the opportunity to work with Constable Dan. We talked about some things we can do when we feel angry. Please ask your child: What tools do you use when you are angry? How do you calm down?
Valentines Day
Since there is no school on
Valentine's Day, Feb. 14th, we will do a card exchange and other activities on
Feb. 12th. A notice with a list of names went home. Please
ensure your child prints independently, as this is an important task in
writing. Please do not feel obligated to purchase cards at a store, as
homemade greetings are always welcome. Please do NOT send food, or
treats, of any kind.
- Field trip forms are due tomorrow. Thank you to those who have returned the forms. Our trip is Monday morning.
- Report card envelopes are due tomorrow. Thank you to those who have already returned them.