Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Report Card Envelopes
Thank you to everyone who already signed and returned the report card envelopes. We would like to gather all signed envelopes by Friday - you can keep everything that was inside as we need the signed envelope only.

Field Trip
We have been given the opportunity to visit the Epcor Centre on Monday, February 10, 2014 to watch a presentation from Kobie Boykins. There is no charge for this activity.

Few events in the last decade of space exploration have captured the world’s imagination like NASA’s ongoing Mars Exploration Program. Kobie Boykin’s boundless enthusiasm for unravelling the mysteries of outer space, and Mars in particular, is infectious. Join him for an engaging presentation exploring the Red Planet with updates on the very latest information on Mars exploration.

Forms went home today to be signed and returned no later than Friday, February 7, 2014. Students who have no obtained signatures will stay at school.

We are in need of at least one volunteer per class. If you are able to accompany us the on the 10th (from 9am till noon) please let me know, we would love to have you!!

Digital Champions - iPod Club
A few students are coming home with Digital Champion - iPod club forms. Grade 1/2 students have been given the opportunity to join this club which begins next Tuesday. To be fair, we have only given this opportunity to students who have not already been in a previous club. If you would like your child to participate, please sign and return the form as soon as possible. We only have enough space for 20 students so in the event that there are more than 20 students who wish to join, we will draw names.