Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

School Logo Design Entries
Our school is looking for students to design our school logo! We have narrowed down the ideas to having a hawk with the words "Believe & Achieve." If your child would like to participate in the contest they are to design a logo using the following criteria.
Design needs to contain: 

  • drawing of a Swainson's Hawk (it nests in Vista Heights every Spring)
  • the words "Believe & Achieve"
  • either word "Vista Height School" or "VHS"
  • bold lines (not too light or cannot be copied)
  • size 8 1/2 by 11 sheet of paper or half a sheet of paper
  • a short written explanation of the choices you made in your drawing.
Copies are due into the office by May 1st - working on the logo over the long weekend would be an excellent idea!!

If you need any help, or have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me! :)

Subway Lunch
TOMORROW IS THE LAST DAY TO ORDER! If you wish for your child to enjoy fun lunch (on April 25), please visit to order! You can choose between Turkey, Ham or a Veggie sub with a juice box and a cookie to drink. The subs are $4, drinks $1, cookie $1.

Today we made words and sentences from a very popular saying. "April showers brings May flowers!"
Students used the letters from these words to create new words. We then used the words to create sentences! Here are some of the words we came up with - can you put them in sentences?

Using the following letters, what other words can you think of?
The Easter Bunny is Coming to Town!

- Choir club tomorrow at lunch
- No school Friday and Monday