Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Tuesday October 29, 2013

Important information regarding Halloween on Thursday
-Students can only wear costumes in the afternoon (bring them to school in backpacks)
-no masks and no weapons are allowed for safety reasons
-we will quickly share costumes in the gym in the afternoon
-no food or drink shared in the classroom due to severe allergies
-students do not need to dress up - this will still remain a regular day of learning so please don't hesitate to send your child if you do not celebrate Halloween in your household

Today we read the story Zac the Rat on Starfall.com and learned about the short a sound. What 'at' and 'an' words can you find in the story? Here is a direct link to the story. Please read it to your family! http://www.starfall.com/n/short-a/sa/load.htm?f

Students received an important information sheet talking about Reporting Student Learning.
Some highlights include: 

1)  There will be 2 written report cards sent home: one in January and one in June.
2) There will be at least 3 opportunities for parents and teachers to meet face to face and talk about student progress in learning. 

Note: We met for conferences in September and will have another set on December 5/6.

Please remember that I am always available to answer your questions/concerns via email (sktoor@cbe.ab.ca) or by phone, 403 777 6061


Ms. Toor