Today we had a special opportunity to work with Grounds for Change with the Calgary Zoo! To extend our knowledge of creating colour and seasonal changes, we had the opportunity to explore colour in nature.
Here are some questions to ask your child
What colours of the seasons did we find outside?
Do you think the colours would change depending on the different seasons?
What things might we find outside that can make colour?
What did we do using the natural things we found outside?
For more information about the wonderful Grounds for Change program, please visit their website here:
Repost from yesterday regarding tomorrow - Halloween
-Students can only wear costumes in the afternoon (bring them to school in backpacks)
-no masks and no weapons are allowed for safety reasons
-we will quickly share costumes in the gym in the afternoon from 1:15 - 1:45
-no food or drink shared in the classroom due to severe allergies
-students do not need to dress up - this will still remain a regular day of learning so please don't hesitate to send your child if you do not celebrate Halloween in your household
Please remember that there is no school on Friday November 1st
Please remember that there is no school on Friday November 1st