School Closures
Please note that there is no school for students on Friday November 22, due to a system wide PD day. For more information on school events, please visit the Vista Heights School webpage
Please note that there is no school for students on Friday November 22, due to a system wide PD day. For more information on school events, please visit the Vista Heights School webpage
Today we practiced an "internal lockdown." Students in Room 7 accomplished their goal of staying silent, as we waited for Constable Dan and Mrs. Traquair to tell us the practice was complete.
Brrr! It sure has been cold outside these past few days. Too cold to be out outside for any length of time. Parents, please do not send your child to school any earlier than 8:35 as there is no
supervision prior to this time.
Reminder: Healthy Hunger
Pita Lunch
Please visit this website for more information and to create a new account for your child.
On our next "special lunch" day we will be having a Pita lunch - November 29