Thursday, December 19, 2013

Thursday, December 19 2013

We had an amazing last day of school for 2013! Thanks to everyone who participated in pyjama day - we had a blast! Thank you to the anonymous donor of the free Pizza Lunch! 

If you are looking for things to do over the break, here are some suggestions.
1. Card Games - coming home today will be a list of a few card cames that you can play with your child. These math games are both fun and educational. Feel free to find additional card games online.
2. Write and Draw - much of what we do in the classroom is documented through writing and pictures. Students can write journals highlighting key events that took place over the break. We are still working on adding details to both writing and drawing, so please encourage that!
3. Read - Raz Kids is a great tool for this, or reading books, magazines, even the paper will do the trick. Encourage your child to read road signs as you drive (and signs with numbers too!) The Calgary Public Library is open during the holidays - it is a great place to visit and explore new types of text (and movies too!)
4. Cook - encourage students to read recipes for you and be involved in the cooking process. Encourage students to use their math skills to measure out exactly what you need for your meals!
5. Learning Links - to the right you will find a list of educational websites which students can visit at your discretion. 
6. Email me - students learned how to email a few weeks ago and have access to their own CBE email account. They can email me about all of the fun things they are doing on the break - 

Have a safe and happy holiday season! See you on January 6, 2014!

Ms. Toor