Welcome back! I hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday season!
Important information coming home today
Swimming lessons will begin January 20 - 24. Please review and sign the field trip forms coming home today so your child can participate. Students will be grouped based on ability so this gives all students a chance to enhance (or begin) their swimming skills. Classes will travel in groups of two or three classes to Village Square Leisure Centre by bus. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please feel free to contact me. All forms and $15 are due back by Thursday January 9.
We will be needing volunteers to help support us during swim week. Our class will be traveling during the morning and will be returning before lunch each day (exact timing will be provided at a later date). If you will be able to support us during this time, please let me know as we would love to have as many volunteers as we can!
Daily Reading and Writing
Daily practice of reading and writing is extremely important. Students are encouraged to read daily on Raz Kids or a paper copy of a book. Also, please have your child write each night. They can be practicing writing words, writing a sentence about their day or a book, or writing about their favourite things. Please help support your child by setting aside time for this daily practice.
First, Next, Last
Today we read Chicken Big on Tumblebooks. Please ask your child what happened first, next, and last. This will help your child with their comprehension skills.
Our January Newsletter can be viewed using the following link. http://schools.cbe.ab.ca/b239/news.htm
Please note the important dates/events for January.